HELENA, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen announced the 2023 U.S. Constitution Contest on Monday during a Constitution Day celebration in the rotunda of the State Capitol.
Constitution Day is celebrated each September 17 in honor of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. This year marked the 236th anniversary of the signing of the significant document.
This year’s Constitution Contest – “What Promises of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution Mean the Most to Me and Why?” – is now open and submissions will be due by October 9, 2023.
“One of the most rewarding parts of serving as your Secretary of State is visiting with students from across Montana about the excellent work accomplished in our office, but also sharing the significance of the document we’re celebrating today,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Every student that visits our office is offered a United States and Montana Constitution, encouraging them to learn about the principles our nation and state were founded on. One of the greatest joys is hearing them recite the Preamble to our United States Constitution.”
During her first year in office, Secretary Jacobsen unveiled the Constitution Contest as an opportunity for students to engage in learning more about our government. Students submitted essays, artwork, poetry, music and any other entry they chose related to the topic of the US Constitution’s meaning to them.
“Each year we have seen a variety of contest entrants, demonstrating just how talented and diversified our Montana students are,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “I can’t wait to see their imagination and creativity on display again this year.”
Previous winners have been invited to the State Capitol to participate in the Constitution Day celebration, including Great Falls Central Catholic student Michael Faccenda, who shared his essay during Monday’s ceremony.
Teachers, students, and parents interested in the Secretary of State’s Constitution Contest can find more information on the Secretary’s civics website.
“Thank you to our students, teachers, and parents for participating in this opportunity to promote civic engagement,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Students have submitted incredible work over the past two years, and I’m excited to see what they create this year. It’s wonderful to observe the patriotism and true love our students express about our state, country, and Constitution.”