HELENA, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen and staff visited with students from Stevensville High School this month during the school’s visit to the State Capitol.
Stevensville government and history teacher Wes Wells chaperoned the students, allowing them to view the State Capitol, observe the Montana Legislature, and meet with elected officials. The students from the Bitterroot met Secretary Jacobsen, Lt. Governor Kristen Juras, and local state representative Greg Overstreet (HD 88), among others.
During the visit to the Secretary of State’s Office, students learned about the Secretary’s role in elections, business registration, and on the Montana Land Board. Each student received a copy of the United States Constitution and the Montana Constitution, documents that Mr. Wells teaches about during the school year.
“It was great to see Mr. Wells return to the State Capitol with students from Stevensville High School,” said Secretary Jacobsen, who has previously hosted the award-winning teacher and his students at the State Capitol. “These are excellent opportunities for our students to learn more about our state government, and our office always enjoys fielding their questions and hearing about their future plans.”