HELENA, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen thanked the hundreds of Montanans who have signed up to serve as poll workers in the 2024 General Election and beyond.
This summer, Secretary Jacobsen launched new poll worker recruitment tools to make it easier for Montanans to sign up with their counties. She also unveiled a new video in the Montana Election Education Video Series, highlighting the roles and responsibilities of poll workers and election judges and the steps to apply.
In September, Secretary Jacobsen announced an exciting partnership with the nationally respected organization Vet the Vote to encourage Montana veterans and families of military members to serve as poll workers. Vet the Vote Deputy Director Lorén Westerfield said more than 500 Montana veterans and military family members had signed up through Vet the Vote following the announcement.
“I’m so grateful to the thousands of Montanans who will serve their communities during this November’s General Election,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Hundreds more have signed up to serve since we launched our poll worker recruitment tools, and we’re excited to see so many Montanans interested in supporting our fellow Montana voters. Montanans can be proud of our Montana elections, and the Montana Elections Team is honored to serve with the poll workers, election judges, and other volunteers to provide safe, secure, accessible, and transparent elections.”
Interested Montanans can learn more about serving as poll workers by visiting Secretary Jacobsen’s voter resources website, VoteMT.gov, and selecting the “Election Judge/Poll Workers” option under the “Resources” tab.
Secretary Jacobsen and the Montana Elections Team also remind voters of the resources available with two weeks until Election Day, Tuesday, November 5. Registered absentee voters can track the status of their absentee ballot by visiting VoteMT.gov and selecting the “My Ballot Info” button. Sample ballots, precinct and polling place information, and county election office contact information are also available at VoteMT.gov.
“Thousands of Montanans have already cast their ballots and ensured their voices are heard this election, and hundreds of thousands more will follow their lead between now and Election Day,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “We want to remind registered absentee voters to make a plan to return their ballot to ensure it is received by 8 p.m. on Election Night, while polling place voters can get ready to vote by knowing when and where they can mark their ballots on Election Day.”
“State and local election officials are here to assist voters between now and Election Day,” Secretary Jacobsen continued. “Thanks for voting, Montana!”