Editor’s Note: Click the image above for a featured video with Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen, Vet the Vote, and other veteran and election officials discussing Montana’s partnership with Vet the Vote.
FORT HARRISON, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen is proud to partner with Vet the Vote, a nonpartisan national organization that recruits veterans and military family members to be the next generation of poll workers. Secretary Jacobsen recently joined Vet the Vote officials to announce the partnership at Fort Harrison’s Devil’s Brigade Community Center.
“We’re forever grateful for the dedication and sacrifices shown by our veterans in protecting our freedoms,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Many veterans are honored to continue serving our state and nation by stepping up to serve as poll workers and ensuring safe and transparent elections. I’m excited to partner with Vet the Vote in bringing this campaign to Montana, and we’re honored to once again support our veterans and their families as they take on these important roles.”
In 2022, Vet the Vote launched its campaign to encourage veterans nationwide to serve as poll workers. That year, Vet the Vote worked with dozens of veteran organizations and partners like the National Football League (NFL) to encourage more than 63,000 veterans to sign up. More than 90 percent of Vet the Vote volunteers state they would recommend the role to other veterans and military family members and have also committed to serving as poll workers again.
“We were very excited to announce that we had over 500 veterans and military family members sign up through Vet the Vote that are interested in being poll workers,” said Vet the Vote Deputy Director Lorén Westerfield. “We will continue to share the opportunity, and then after the election, we will continue working by sharing the stories of the election workers who are veterans and military family members and what it means to be part of this process.”
Secretary Jacobsen explained the importance of poll workers in Montana elections and their crucial roles at polling places, assisting voters and election officials. Secretary Jacobsen also highlighted recent poll worker recruitment efforts, including a new video in the Montana Election Education Video Series and a new poll worker recruitment tool that allows interested Montanans to sign up to be a poll worker directly with their counties.
Representatives from the Lewis and Clark County Elections Office and Montana veteran organizations, including the Montana Veteran Affairs Division and the Montana Veterans Association, also spoke about the importance of veterans and military family members volunteering to assist with Montana’s elections.
Veterans and military family members can visit VoteMT.gov or the Vet the Vote website (https://vetthe.vote) to sign up to serve as poll workers in Montana.