HELENA, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen welcomed juniors and seniors from Stevensville High School to the State Capitol on Wednesday.
Students and staff, including social studies department chair Mr. Wesley Wells, traveled from the Bitterroot to visit the Secretary of State’s Office, hearing from Secretary Jacobsen about the responsibilities and duties of the SOS. Secretary Jacobsen explained the office’s role in elections, business registration and filings, her service on the Montana Land Board, and more.
Many of the visiting students told Secretary Jacobsen they were already registered voters.
“I was happy to see so many of the students had already completed their voter registration and plan to vote in their first election,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “The majority of these juniors and seniors will be eligible to vote in the 2024 election cycle, and I’m excited for them to have their voices heard.”
Students also asked Secretary Jacobsen questions about elections and the State Capitol Building. Each student was provided with a United States and Montana Constitution and reminded of the Secretary of State’s US Constitution Contest as well as the YouthVote Program.
“Thank you to Mr. Wells, staff, and the wonderful students from Stevensville for making the trip to Helena and visiting us at the State Capitol,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “It’s great to see our youth so well-educated about our government, and that can be attributed to the students and staff at Stevensville High School.”
Representative Wayne Rusk of House District 88 also visited with the students and staff in the Secretary of State’s Office. The juniors and seniors also planned to watch Wednesday’s Legislature and tour the Capitol campus.