HELENA, Mont. — Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen is recognizing small businesses across Montana during National Small Business Week. Secretary Jacobsen is acknowledging Montana’s local businesses for the economic impact they provide for their community, as well as the state.
“Recent reports have stated more than 95 percent of Montana businesses are considered small businesses, but there’s no denying the large role they have in their communities,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Montana’s small businesses create jobs and put money back in the local economy. We’re proud to support and recognize the hard work and dedication displayed by the thousands of small businesses in Montana.”
Montana has had record business creation in each of the past three years, with roughly 53,000 new businesses registered in the state in 2022. Following increased efficiencies in the Secretary of State’s Office, Secretary Jacobsen cut registration fees in half for Montana businesses. She also waived several other fees as she continues to eliminate red tape and make it easier to do business in Montana.
Through the Secretary of State’s online filing portal, Montana businesses also have 24/7 access to their business filings.
Secretary Jacobsen was recognized with the Mountain States Policy Center’s “Elevation Award” over the weekend for her efforts to make it easier to do business in Montana.
“I’m honored to receive this recognition for the great work being done in the Secretary of State’s Office,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “We understand how hard our local businesses work, and we’re proud to join family, friends, and neighbors across the state in supporting them.”
“Thank you for doing business in Montana,” Secretary Jacobsen continued.
Secretary Jacobsen will highlight one Montana small business per weekday in celebration of Small Business Week. Each business begins its journey by registering with the Secretary of State’s Office. The Montana Business Spotlights can be found on Secretary Jacobsen’s Media Center.