HELENA, Mont. — One month after announcing another record year of new business registration in Montana, Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen says 2023 is already ahead of that pace.
According to the Montana Business Economic Report, roughly 5,100 new businesses were registered in January 2023 – nearly 400 more than were registered during January 2022.
About 53,000 new businesses registered with the Secretary of State’s Office in 2022.
Last year, Secretary Jacobsen cut registration fees in half for Montana businesses. She also waived several other fees entirely.
“Montanans continue to create new businesses, and we’re proud to help them begin their journey at the Secretary of State’s Office,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Our team enjoys seeing the excitement in a new business owner’s eyes and hearing the thrill in their voice as they follow their dreams.
“Our families, friends, and neighbors work hard to make their businesses succeed, and we will continue to support those Montana businesses.”