HELENA, Mont. — As Montana celebrates its 40th anniversary of a longstanding relationship with the Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan, Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen visited with a diplomatic delegation, including Governor Ikuo Kabashima, on Monday.
The delegation also featured the Speaker of the Prefectural Assembly and several parliamentary members.
“What an honor to visit with Governor Ikuo Kabashima and the Kumamoto Prefecture delegation this afternoon,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “It was especially exciting to meet with them to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our sister-state relationship.”
Montana and Kumamoto entered an official sister-state relationship following a ceremony in 1982.
Secretary Jacobsen and members of the SOS staff discussed legislation and explained Montana’s legislative procedures with the delegation. They also visited about Montana’s electoral process, including Tuesday’s midterm General Election. The delegation briefly compared its processes with those of Montana.
The Kumamoto delegation also visited the Governor’s Office and took a tour of the State Capitol.