HELENA, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen visited with staff and students in Twin Bridges and Willow Creek this week, delivering United States and Montana Constitutions and discussing the important rights provided by both documents.
“I continue to be encouraged by the engaged students across Montana,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Students and staff at Twin Bridges and Willow Creek expressed their interest in the importance of both Constitutions, beginning with the Preambles.”
In Twin Bridges, Secretary Jacobsen, along with Rep. Ken Walsh, met with students, reading the Preambles and visiting about the importance of civics and voting. One student recited the Montana Preamble from memory, impressing Secretary Jacobsen and his schoolmates.
In Willow Creek, Secretary Jacobsen visited with students in fifth and sixth grade, as well as junior high, who offered insight into the state and national Constitutions.
During each visit, Secretary Jacobsen highlighted the significance of both Constitutions, and she encouraged students to participate in this fall’s US Constitution Contest and YouthVote Program. Secretary Jacobsen launched the US Constitution Contest, Why the Constitution is Important to Me, on September 19. Submissions are open to all Montana students in grades K-12 and are due on October 14.

Under the guidance of the Youth Voting Act, the Secretary of State’s Office and the Office of Public Instruction will partner to provide Montana students with an opportunity to engage in the electoral process. Students participating in the Montana Youth Vote will gain knowledge and experience by voting for candidates and ballot issues that will appear on the ballot during the upcoming midterm General Election.
“I’m excited for Montana students to capitalize on both of these opportunities so they will be more informed and more experienced as they become future voters,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “I look forward to seeing the Constitution Contest submissions from Twin Bridges, Willow Creek, and across the state.”
“Thank you to the students and staff at each school for the honor of visiting and for sharing the great work our team performs each day,” she continued.
Montana schools and teachers may request US/Montana Constitutions for their classrooms and students by visiting the Secretary of State’s civics website at https://civics.sosmt.gov/constitution-request.