HELENA, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen was a guest of the Montana Professional Firefighters Legislative Convention this week, explaining the responsibilities of the Secretary of State’s Office and its role during the Legislative Session.
Members of the Montana State Firefighter’s Association asked the Secretary about serving as an elected official in Montana, as several members have run for office, while others are interested in serving their communities as an elected official.
“I want to thank all of you for keeping our communities safe. The work you do is honorable, and I’m grateful for what you do,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “I had a desire to run (for office), and if you have a desire to run for office, then I encourage you to do so and put everything you have into it. If you have a passion to serve, absolutely do it, and don’t let anybody tell you no.”
Secretary Jacobsen discussed Montana’s Red Tape Relief Project, including her work in cutting registration fees in half for new Montana businesses, while eliminating several other fees entirely. The initiative “gets government out of the way so businesses can get started in our office and thrive,” said the Secretary.
In January, Secretary Jacobsen and Governor Greg Gianforte celebrated another record year of new business registration at Granite Peak Athletics in East Helena. Montana has had record business creation in each of the past four years.
“It was very important during our first term to make sure that we were partnering with our business community, including non-profits, to make sure it’s easy to start a business in the state of Montana,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “I’m very proud of how our office serves all of the businesses in our state.”
Firefighters also learned about Secretary Jacobsen’s role on the Montana Land Board and how her deciding votes have increased and protected public access throughout the Treasure State. She also highlighted Montana elections and updated firefighters on legislation making its way through the Montana House and Senate.
“It was an honor to visit with the Montana Professional Firefighters and explain the important roles that our office has in our state,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “It was inspiring to see the faces of the brave men and women who protect our communities each and every day.”
“Thank you to Carter Marsh, George Richards, Dave Maslowski, and their team for inviting me to be a featured speaker during the Montana Professional Firefighters Legislative Convention,” she added.