HELENA, Mont. – The Office of the Secretary of State and election officials across Montana are proud to recognize Tuesday, September 28, 2021, as National Voter Registration Day.
“Registering to vote is the first step in ensuring your voice is heard on Election Day,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “Our office joins election officials across the state in encouraging Montanans to register to vote or update their information on National Voter Registration Day.”
Since 2002, the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) has recognized September as National Voter Registration Month to encourage eligible Americans to register to vote or update their voter registration information. The fourth Tuesday of September was established as National Voter Registration Day.
“If you’re not registered to vote or if you need to update your voter registration, please contact your county election administration,” said Treva Nelson, the Toole County Election Administrator and President of the Montana Association of Clerk & Recorders and Election Administrators.
All eligible Montanans can register to vote or update their information by visiting their county election office and submitting a voter registration application. Voters may visit the election and voter services page on the Secretary of State’s website for more information.