HELENA, Mont. — Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen cast her ballot for the 2024 General Election this week. Secretary Jacobsen voted and submitted her absentee ballot at the Lewis and Clark County Elections Office.
Elections Director Austin James joined the Secretary in voting and submitting his ballot at the county elections office.
“Yesterday, I dropped by and visited the local election office, and all of the voting booths were full, and there was a lot of activity,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “The local election office was doing an outstanding job helping all of the voters with questions and receiving their ballots. I voted and dropped my ballot in the drop box, and I will also be tracking my ballot to make sure it gets counted. I saw some friends along the way as they were voting, so it was just a great day.”
“The folks that show up and vote in person are excited to get the ‘I voted’ sticker,” Secretary Jacobsen continued. “I was able to place the ‘I voted’ sticker on one of my friends, and our Elections Director placed the ‘I voted’ sticker on me, and I wore it proudly all day.”
Secretary Jacobsen reminds registered absentee voters that their ballots must be received by their county election office by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5. Absentee voters can track the status of their ballot at VoteMT.gov/voter-info to ensure it has been received and accepted by the county.
The status of an absentee voter’s status may include:
- SENT: Your county has mailed your absentee ballot packet.
- RECEIVED: Your county has received your voted absentee ballot.
- ACCEPTED: Your signature was verified, and your ballot will be counted during tabulation.
A voter should contact their county election office if their status is “UNDELIVERABLE” or “REJECTED.”
The Secretary also reminds Montana voters who vote in person on Election Day of the resources available at VoteMT.gov/voter-info.
“There you can find a sample ballot of what your official ballot will look like so you know all the different races,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “You will also find your polling location and the times you can go and vote on Election Day. Polls open at 7 a.m. on November 5 and close at 8 p.m., so make a plan to cast your ballot and have your voice heard.
“Thanks for voting, Montana!”