HELENA, Mont. — Students from Lima High School visited the Secretary of State’s Office this week during a field trip to the Montana State Capitol. Four students were chaperoned by Superintendent Greg Iverson, who also serves as the Principal and History/English teacher.
Staff from the Secretary of State’s Office described the various roles the office fulfills throughout the year, including collaborating with Montana’s 56 counties to conduct elections and assisting with registering a record number of new businesses. It was also explained to the students how the Office works with more than 13,000 notaries across the state and its responsibilities during the State Legislature.
“It was a pleasure for our office to host Mr. Iverson and his students at the State Capitol as they engage with our state government and learn more about the Legislature,” said Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen. “Thank you to Mr. Iverson and Lima High School for providing this great opportunity to your students.”