HELENA, Mont. — Christi Jacobsen was officially sworn in as Montana’s Secretary of State on Monday morning in the Old Supreme Court Chamber of the Montana Capitol. Jacobsen became the 22nd person to hold the office of the Secretary of State since Montana became a state in 1889.
“This day is the absolute honor of my lifetime,” Secretary Jacobsen said to those in attendance, as well as those watching live online. “I promise to lead with a servant’s heart. My deep love for Montana makes it easy to give it my all, each and every day for the next four years, and keep my promise to you to protect the integrity of elections and always be a partner with businesses.
Jacobsen, who spent the past four years as the Deputy Secretary of State, will quickly turn her attention to Montana’s 67th Legislative Session, with a series of priority bills aimed at improving and protecting the integrity of Montana’s elections.
“I look forward to working with elected officials across the state of Montana,” Secretary Jacobsen said.
Aside from serving as Montana’s chief elections officer, Secretary Jacobsen will also oversee the Business Services Division, as well as the state’s Notary and Administrative Rule Services. She will also serve on the Montana Land Board.
Secretary Jacobsen is a native Montanan, born and raised in Helena, and received a degree from Carroll College and a master’s degree in public administration from University of Montana. She began her career in the telecom industry before embarking on a nearly-two decade journey in state government.